Make Study in Rwanda your investment partner!




  • Partnership proposal to study in Rwanda
  • Study in Rwanda will consult Ministry of Education for next step
  • Send accreditation institutions documents, registered business license and equivalence letter from local domestic proving that you ‘are fully registered and teaching curriculum if any
  • We will sign Memorandum of understanding (MoU)
  • We will advise which best institutions to partner with
  • Please note that service and consultation fees may apply

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Study in Rwanda tips and Recommendations.

  • We collaborate with global colleges and universities. These investors may increase a strategic vision and leadership, according to the international academic standards before the investment.
  • We recommend Global talent funding for universities with strong academic research backgrounds in order to accelerate Rwanda towards excellent status for research universities and colleges that may be interested to collaborate with Rwandan institutions for further exchange skills.
  • We partner with distinguished African universities from the rest of the world with emphasis on international staff and students to influence the African education system.

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Study in Rwanda will get back to you before 24 working hours.

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The University of Rwanda is one of the Leading University in East Africa. Join us for joint degree programs. University of Rwanda also offers opportunities for partners willing to introduce new and high demand courses!

Study in Rwanda is the official agency of the University of Rwanda.

University of Rwanda is ready to partner with you for the following engineering courses:

  • Engineering, computing-robotic engineering (aerospace and automotive)
  • Arts and design (Modeling, Graphics, Airport management, supply chain management and craft)
  • Science (Biological and environmental sciences, Cyber security and artificial intelligence, law and criminology)
  • Engineering courses, Trainings (Petroleum, Energy and Gas, environmental engineering

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Work with us, we are looking for Partners!

Rwanda is focused on growth and development. Educational development is key to foreign institutions that would like to set up campuses within the country. Study in Rwanda is taking a very different approach when it comes to investment and enhancing the education system to eventually make Rwanda a leading African nation in the education system.

Education is highly regarded as a norm and a basic part of human growth all over the world. According to (ESSP 2008), education in Rwanda is classified as a vital tool towards poverty reduction and sustainable socioeconomic development.

Attracting more investments in our education system especially internationally qualified Higher Learning Institutions contribute to the improvement of the desired quality of education and employment that in turn will meet all our educational standards.

Study in Rwanda’s mission is to promote international education services in Africa through recruitment programs, quality education with worldwide accreditation focusing mainly on the African market, with a Vision of making Rwanda the best study destination in Africa, promoting international tertiary education through investment in African institutions.

We are ready to boost your investment!

Study in Rwanda is determined to further improve quality of education by:

  • Working with foreign Higher Learning Institutions to have access on local market to promote creativity and advancement in multicultural environment.
  • Advocating for high demand and marketable courses to Africa to help find solutions to African problems as well as satisfy students’ subject of interest within the country.
  • Enhancing partnership in the international arena.
  • Marketing the country, Africa in general across the globe and Universities programs with the study in Rwanda graduate abroad concept.

Beneficiaries and Target Investors

We work with world-class accredited universities and highly ranked academic institutions around the world. Extend market to Rwanda! Enjoy affordable internet, and infrastructure designed for institutions. Study in Rwanda will make opening institutions easy and possible.

Are you looking for a reliable institution to Partner with in Rwanda?

Make a smart move!